Introduction to VISION 2025

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Make a lasting impact on the future of vascular intervention and stroke innovation through neuroimaging

The primary objective of the Vascular Intervention & Stroke Innovation thrOugh Neuroimaging (VISION) is to establish a diverse platform where experts from both the public and private sectors can collaborate, share their expertise, and reach a consensus on strategies aimed at enhancing vascular intervention and stroke innovation through neuroimaging.

VISION aims to foster advancements in research studies and clinical practice in this field. To achieve this, VISION will facilitate a comprehensive multidisciplinary collaboration involving key clinical disciplines such as neurosurgeons, neuroendovascular surgeons, neurointerventional radiologists, and neurologists.

Who is Involved?

VISION architecture thus includes 3 major stakeholders from research and practice in the field of vascular intervention and stroke innovation through neuroimaging: academia (leading international physicians/scientists from all involved disciplines), industry (scientists and executives from private sector pharmaceutical, device, and imaging companies), and regulatory institutions (executive managers, physicians and scientists from NIH and FDA).